So there has been some controversy lately in the province I currently call home. It surrounds our Finance Minister making these comments about her children "They've understood perfectly well that when you're raising children, you don't both go off to work and leave them for somebody else to raise," Evans said. "This is not a statement against daycare. It's a statement about their belief in the importance of raising children properly."
I like an idiot, typed before thinking on my dear friend Karl's blog White Noise after having posted about my extravegant purchase of a Trophy Queen Diaper bag. I bought said bag with gift/bonus money on sale... not full price. That aside I answered the Anonymous commenter who claimed it was only people who weren't willing to make sacrifices that had an issue with the Finance Minister's comments, without thinking and I got spanked for it by said Anonymous commenter. (Incidently Anonymous commenters piss me off royal, have the guts to own your comments people)
I have savings, I could stay home if we didn't want a bigger house for the approaching baby. We live in a 2 bedroom condo that is currently underwater mortgage wise because of the housing market crash. Sure we could stay here, but I want something better for my daughters... say like a yard for them to play in. I live in one of the more exspensive Canadian cities, I would love to move somewhere smaller but my career and my partner's career don't lend themselves to small towns as they don't tend to need IT support people and software programmers. Besides the fact my oldest daughter's father lives here and I can't just whisk her away from her father. And I have budgeted and bought all my baby items used or on sale.
I shouldn't have to justifiy myself, but people like our Finance Minister make me feel I have to. Besides which? I'm not SAHM material. I like adult interaction. Even if I were to stay at home, Mommy Groups and play dates aren't enough for me. I would have to do something part-time, my writing, consulting, something. And I don't think this makes me a bad parent. The Starlet is well loved, well cared for, she is smart, has great manners and knows her parents will drop everything for her when needed. I don't think she is "lacking" because I work outside the home. Her daycare teachers say she is a joy and one of their best helpers, and empathetic to her peers. It takes a whole community to raise a child doesn't it?
Well, that was fun while it lasted
3 months ago