Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seperation Anxiety

I often wonder if I'm missing some vital mummy gene. I have no issue whatsoever leaving my 4 year old daughter The Starlet, over night, for a weekend, for two weeks.... and I swear the Mummies at daycare think I'm some sort of freak. Don't get me wrong I miss her terribly when we're apart but I'm not a wreck like some of my friends are. I often think it's because my soon-to-be ex-husband never really took part in parenting her in the first 3 years, because I was on ALL the time, I now love the off time when she is with him... I mean he refused to try and give her a bottle after one attempt... or a cup.... my doctor had me start her on solids at 3 months because I was the only thing she would accept. And I'm all about the breastfeeding but it gets wearing being the milk bar. But is that it? And why is it other mother's think I'm some sort of negligent mother because I can take the time for myself gladly?

1 comment:

Radmila said...


You're not one of those uber-moms who is constantly competing with other women to prove she loves her kids more than you do yours?

There was an uber mom who lived down the street from me who used to scoff at a couple of brothers who were always outside playing.
She said to me, "They're always outside..." as though somehow this was negligent on their mother's part. I said, "what? playing? Big least they're not inside playing video games all the time".

She kept her kids inside the house like they were made out of sugar and would melt if they were outside too long.

Over parenting is just as damaging as neglect, only in a different way.